Population Mean (Confidence Interval) Calculator

Use our simple online Population Mean calculator to find the solution with step-by-step explanation.

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How to use the Population Mean Calculator


Step 1

Enter your set of numbers in the input field. Numbers must be separated by commas.


Step 2

Press Enter on the keyboard or on the arrow to the right of the input field.


Step 3

In the pop-up window, select “Population Mean (Confidence Interval)”. You can also use the search.

What is Population Mean

The average population will help you answer questions such as what is the average income in the United States. This question can be formulated mathematically by saying that we would like to know the value of a parameter describing a certain distribution. For the average income in the United States, this parameter is the average value of the income distribution in the United States. Here, the population is the US population, and the mean is the average of all us income. For our purpose, the population mean value is a parameter that is of interest.